Disclaimer: This is an image intensive post.Greetings guys, it was fantastic to finally get to catch up with all of you (in real life) after such a long time. Many people thought that the outing was too short, but hey, time flies when you're having fun - and besides, we were all withering from exhaustion by the end of 3 hours of Team Forting.
Anyway, here's a recap with pictures and captions of today's smashing gathering.

Okay fine. So we were kinda late and you guys had to wait around. Sorry. That look on Shaun's face could kill a raid boss.

After some awkward stares from the staff at e2max wondering wtf there were 12 dudes waiting outside the LAN shop, we promptly fired up the old TFC for some classic action.

Trum, Mass, Ren and !? looking really happy with their devastating victory over Team Sick.

Team Sick down 20 points as Red team cap our pants off. Desperate times often call for desperate measures.

And then Tuckie came! Chao recruit! Also, Brendan looking shocked at the repeated failures of our team's defences. /sadpanda

Moving on! TF2. Dennis attempts to set up and reduce the spawn times. As most of you would have realised, he failed. After which, we proceeded to storm a public server.

That didn't last very long either. XsT > E-Club Server.

We eventually got into the action on one of the E-Club servers. To the horror of many public players, we won - but then again, that's like trying to kill a cockroach with a tank only to find that you barely managed to sever one of it's legs.

I don't know why we tried to squeeze into one team. In retrospect, there were 14 of us so regardless of how much we button mashed, there was no way all of us could fit one side since the cap per team was 12

"Group Photo"
From L to R
Top Row: Individual, !? (Q), Deoxy, Craig, Ren, Psyrabbit, Insanity, Crimson
Bottom Row: Tuckie, Truman, Shaunzer, Massacre, Sick, Spiddy.

Some casual out-takes.

And more casual out-takes. This one comes close to an emo rock band publicity shot.

The outing ended on a good note, we stopped by for kaya toast and kopi before Warlords (which was pretty shit imho). Aaron here, obviously likes his eggs.

Dennis on the other hand, likes his teh ping.

But I'm sure we all agree, we love cake.
The fullsize pics will be available on our Facebook group tomorrow. Don't forget to check it out! The pictures are also available in a zip file which I will host on my FTP over the next few days, I'll post the link when I do upload it. Last but not least, kudos to Sick for planning the larger part of logistics this year, even though many of your TF2 tactics are severely flawed lol!
See you on the servers!
And may Shaunzer wipe for 3 hours on Kael next week.