Thursday, April 23, 2009


Kay guys, I've another small gig coming up, but this one is a little more accessible and special. Held at BluJaz Cafe (not far from City Hall MRT)  2nd floor, whoever comes can chill, have a few beers and enjoy the music. Non-clubbers can definitely join as it's not a dancey gig but more of a chill gig. 

What's special about this time's gig is that it's hosted by COUP, a collective of electronic music enthusiasts recently founded by my friends and I, including familiar faces like Null (under the moniker, jacklepop) and rivace. This is the lineup:

2200 - 2300: Fiq 
2300 - 0000: Justin Ma x Chermy
0000 - 0100: Dekoyan x Rivace
0100 - 0200: Chee Who? x Yi Siong
0200 - 0300: Justin Ong x Jules

As you can see, Rivace, the very ultra talented 1000 years-old scratch grandmasta, will be playing back to back with me, which is also his first time playing out as a DJ. We will be dishing out some lovely beats and progressive house, so come down and support us and our friends :) 


Regarding hypocrisy

I'm a free thinker but somehow this article made quite some sense to me. There are a couple of XsT-ians who are Christians so this might be a nice little snippet for you :)

The caller to the radio program mentioned religion, so the radio talk show host began to rant about hypocrites. “I can’t stand religious hypocrites,” he said. “They talk about religion, but they’re no better than I am. That’s why I don’t like all this religious stuff.”

This man didn’t realize it, but he was agreeing with God. God has made it clear that He can’t stand hypocrisy either. It’s ironic, though, that something God opposes is used by some people as an excuse not to seek Him.

Jesus said this about hypocrisy: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt. 15:8-9).

Notice what Jesus said to perhaps the biggest hypocrites of His day, the Pharisees. In Matthew 23, He called them hypocrites—not once, not twice, but seven times! They were religious people who were putting on a big show, but God knew their hearts. He knew they were far from Him.

Non-Christians who point out hypocrisy in us when they see it are right in doing so. They are agreeing with God, who also despises it. Our task is to make sure our lives honor the One who deserves our total dedication. — Dave Branon

Hypocrisy is a common sin
That grieves the Lord above;
He longs for those who’ll worship Him
In faith and truth and love.

It's nice to note that in many subtle ways, people of different religions are helping each other strengthen their faiths. While people doubt our faith and accuse us of being hypocrites, we can choose to defend it strongly and claim "who are you to insult God?", or it could be "hey he's right, what HAVE I done to improve my relationship with God".

These 2 common choices can be applied to everything in life, even aggro faced in gaming, or family, or friends. It's just a matter of reflection before speaking and keeping an open mind. 

After all, we all don't want to be "religious people putting on a big show". 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Send in your application video!

To facilitate our recruitment, please send us a video tape that is modeled after this. I guarantee you a spot if its as pro as this!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lets kick the Gloom!

Ok so let me kick off this gloomy exam season with a lame post!

Question 1: What is the difference between a bowling ball and "Pi Sai" (nose shit)?

Question 2: What is the difference between a coffee cup and "Pi Sai" (nose shit)?

Anyways before I give you the answer to these questions, I want to share 2 games that I have been playing over the past week. Both games are vastly different, not just in their gameplay, but in their modes of development.

Call of Duty 5: World at War - COD5 feels like I'm watching a movie! And I'm sure it had a big budget too. Its supposedly ultra-realistic and is a good break from the cartoonish feel of TF2. Anyone here has COD5? Could do with some kaki.

New Star Grand Prix - Simon Read is an indie game developer from the UK and for F1 fans, this game is truly majestic. Forget about Forza or GT5-like graphics, this is top down classic racing that requires you to plan fuel strategy, tyre strategy and racing strategy, while keeping your team boss and fans happy! Simon's doing a great job getting feedback from the community via his forums and the game is constantly being tweaked to eradicate bugs and for a better racing experience. You can download the game to try the first 3 tracks in career mode and subsequently buy it online for SGD$15. I'm really glad I did!

As for the answers to the riddles above...

Answer 1: Bowling ball you throw it and it rolls. Pi Sai you roll it, then you throw!

Answer 2: Coffee cup is placed ON the table, Pi Sai is stuck BELOW the table.
