Anyone following the release of Hellgate? There's something about chicks in shiney armor, holding guns, swords and wielding magic that's pretty awesome.
Sigh, so many new games coming out this year. I haven't even got over the Bioshock hype yet =(
What's your games lineup for this year?
Bioshock, TF2, Gears of War for PC and maybe Hellgate now. Probably WoW for PVP since patch 2.2 is awesome.
TF2, Rock Band, Rez (xbox live version) for now..! ;D
Well at least mut wants to play TF2.
Starcraft 2 is not due till god knows when to be honest. Hellgate's made by the guys who made D2, so awesome. Go wiki it!
Who doesn't want to play TF2 etc etc.
The fact that we must now upgrade the PC or project the ideal capacity required for future games is insane..
who ask you buy a non-gaming laptop. >.<
bioshock is very average...and kinda freaky..not my kinda shooter..
i need bright maps and humans to shoot at..not weird ass creatures pouncing at me at every corner...
WoW! TF2! Starcraft2! and i dont mind Hellgate as well =)
go read up more on hellgate lah. the game sounds pretty damn awesome. and if it's led by Diablo makers, you can be sure of a strong D&D backing.
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