Went for the Orange box party.
Interestingly, TF2 has wait for re-spawn. Like in DOD.
I hate that.
Otherwise, the game is an excellent new version of Team Fortress. It is NOT TFC2. So the game play is substantially different in terms of objectives and pace.
I think snipers are fine, soldiers are overpowered and HW is still the easier class to begin with.
There is now an even greater learning curve, as weapon handling is totally different and fov changes are not allowed.
The points system is kinda weird, but basically, more points if you cap and help to cap, more points if u defend and assist in defence.
the big question is: for our outing, how much of tfc and how much of tf2 are we going to play?
good question...the other question being..how many places have tfc (almost none) and tf2 (hopefully some) at the same place?
answering this question is even harder than capping a flag with xst defending it.
Not really.
E2MAX Cathay has TFC and TF2.
That's where they had the party and they do bookings so I think its pretty reasonable to go there.
alright sounds good. u know whats the cost? outing looking at a date early DEC.
Cost is reasonable la
No Cyber cafe charges prices like $7 an hour anymore i think.
Sure way to be blacklisted as expensive.
Though i cannot say for sure how much this one was charging...
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