Saturday, December 01, 2007

Team XsT outing 2008 *UPDATED*

PLEASE NOTE THE NEW DATE (special request by truman due to his exams)

Hey everyone,

Ok no messing around now, here is where we decide and give info on the Team XsT Outing 2007.

Date: 16 December 2007, Sunday

Time: 1030hrs

Location: E2Max at Cathay (New cathay building, level 4)

Cost: $2.50 per hour (Razer Mouse, Razer Keyboards, Super lagless coms and connections...Insanity and I just played 4 hrs there yesterday)

The plan is to have an early lunch and start gaming from 1130hrs onwards. Expect about at least 5 hours of gaming.

This might be followed up with a movie, the WARLORDS (starring JET LI, ANDY LAU and TAKESHI), though I will need help planning this. Spouses can accompany us to the movie (face the facts...we are getting old...10 years down the will be our kids joining us).

Please start a LIST in the comment box (BELOW...NOT in the tag box on the right side) to indicate your attendance. I will start off. Indicate for both Gaming or Gaming+Movie. This invitation will close by the 5th of December so that it will give me time to book computers.

Sick aka brendan.


Brendan said...

1) Sick (brendan) - Gaming + Movie

Brendan said...

1) Sick (brendan) - Gaming + Movie
2) Ren (Alvin) - Gaming + Movie

ShAuNzEr said...

Shaun) Gaming(yes) Movie(Gotta see on the day itself)

SUM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gad Tan said...

1) Sick (brendan) - Gaming + Movie
2) Ren (Alvin) - Gaming + Movie
3) Shaunzer(Shaun) - Gaming
4) PsyRabbit(Gad) - Gaming

SUM said...

Yea, my previous post was not a joke.

My paper's on the 15th of December. 1400-1630hrs.

After that I've got to attend function.


SUM said...


Gabriel Ang said...

Dequan cannot make it during that weekend because he's overseas.

Dennis Goh said...

dec 07 not 08

1) Sick (brendan) - Gaming + Movie
2) Ren (Alvin) - Gaming + Movie
3) Shaunzer(Shaun) - Gaming
4) PsyRabbit(Gad) - Gaming
5) Insanity (dennis) - Gaming + Movie

GY said...

mut can't make it on the entire weekend (15-17th Dec)


yado said...

yado2kill - gaming

raj. said...

We have a shit load of members, and 10 comments.

1) Sick (brendan) - Gaming + Movie
2) Ren (Alvin) - Gaming + Movie
3) Shaunzer(Shaun) - Gaming
4) PsyRabbit(Gad) - Gaming
5) Massacre (Raj) - Gaming + (depends on the movie. cue wink.)

SUM said...

1) Sick (brendan) - Gaming + Movie
2) Ren (Alvin) - Gaming + Movie
3) Shaunzer(Shaun) - Gaming
4) PsyRabbit(Gad) - Gaming
5) Insanity (dennis) - Gaming + Movie
6) Massacre (Raj) - Gaming + (depends on the movie. cue wink.)
7) Truman (Sum) - Gaming + Spamming

Well, as it is, a huge roster with few people who are available.

Brendan said...

1) Sick (brendan) - Gaming + Movie
2) Ren (Alvin) - Gaming + Movie
3) Shaunzer(Shaun) - Gaming
4) PsyRabbit(Gad) - Gaming
5) Insanity (dennis) - Gaming + Movie
6) Massacre (Raj) - Gaming + (depends on the movie. cue wink.)
7) Truman (Sum) - Gaming + Spamming

Is this it? can someone give an updated list basing on who they know is confirm coming? thanks.

SUM said...

1) Sick (brendan) - Gaming + Movie
2) Ren (Alvin) - Gaming + Movie
3) Shaunzer(Shaun) - Gaming
4) PsyRabbit(Gad) - Gaming
5) Insanity (dennis) - Gaming + Movie
6) Massacre (Raj) - Gaming + (depends on the movie. cue wink.)
7) Truman (Sum) - Gaming + Spamming
8) |ndividuaL (Simon) - Gaming
9) Q (?!) - Gaming

That's all I've got so far.
Is ViLLe coming? Then we'll have two teams of 5.

Gad Tan said...

1) Sick (brendan) - Gaming + Movie
2) Ren (Alvin) - Gaming + Movie
3) Shaunzer(Shaun) - Gaming
4) PsyRabbit(Gad) - Gaming
5) Insanity (dennis) - Gaming + Movie
6) Massacre (Raj) - Gaming + (depends on the movie. cue wink.)
7) Truman (Sum) - Gaming + Spamming
8) |ndividuaL (Simon) - Gaming
9) Q (?!) - Gaming
10) Yado (Andrew) - Gaming

- Muthu
- Deo
- Tuckie
- Xander
- Ken
- Craig (Ren pls assist)
- Sugizo (Everyone go spam his facebook wall)
- Madquack
- Stupidnoob (Justin pls assist)

SUM said...

Mut is having open house.

Tuckie is in Guards Conversion course.

Ken cannot come due to other commitment (so says Q)

Gad Tan said...

you mixing up pyroKENesis and KENshiox i think.

SUM said...

yea... anyway. Xander is not replying on Steam and therefore i haven't a clue. Lol