Seeing how XsT is once again becoming increasingly active, the challenge of management is no longer only on the weight of one person in the Team. We're looking for more people to help keep the blog active and to help manage outings. Currently, it's usually just Brendan, Sum and I who sort out the logistics of outings and future events. We're looking towards cross-clan outings and some other collaborated events, I forsee that whoever signs up will have to talk to DEQUAN (heaven have mercy on your soul!) We can't offer you much, but you get a cool looking title and logo for yourself!

The current crew, myself included.
Also, seeing how we can't figure out how to work the "Player Of The Week" in our steam group (it's always Raj LOL), we're handing out some of our own awards to the members whom we felt have performed exceptionally:

Hopefully, we'll be doing this quarterly (but if you'd like an award, we'll try and make-up one for you, we make up all our awards anyway) A big grats to this season's awarded players!
Lastly, I've put together the second spray to compliment the anti-HW campaign. However, I'm still trying to work out how to convert them all to a stable format for everyone to download. If anyone has solutions or ideas, please speak up.

See you all on Sunday! DONCHAKNOW.
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