One day, in the not too distant past, a group of unsuspecting engineers stumbled upon a large quantity of materials.

Their excitement outweighed their astonishment in this seemingly infinite number of play toys, as they relished the possibilities of this mark of good fortune.

At first, they only saw brotherhood and progress, setting aside their differences in colour.

They started small, mixing similar architecture but creatively.

They even split the amount to hire a jet pack to take aesthetically pleasing aerial shots.

Overjoyed with their success, they danced and made merry, and laced the moment perfectly with small amounts of fireworks.

They were almost inseparable, establishing a name in the process.

It was really, a sight to behold.
And then it happened. One person from the Red race accidentally stepped on the last toe of one of the Blue race engys. Despite wearing protective gear and steel-toe construction boots, the Blue race engys saw it as racial abuse and while this heated conversation went on; curiously, talks of mothers and sisters came up.

They rushed the Reds' home and tried to beat them down.

It was sad really. Blue was hungry for blood, and bloodshed was the inevitable result.

Seeing as they could not get through their spawn defenses, Blue used the knowledge amassed from their experimenting from before to build a sturdy perimeter defense.

Dancing and laughing together before, now only at the expense of the Reds. It was a dark day for virtual humanity.

Of course, the Reds put up a fight and to their credit, did not go down that easily.

Evidently, a sturdy defense it was, in all its meaning.

Alas, all that awaited the Reds was death.

There were those who stood up against this anarchy, with valiance and courage. But the sheer amount of the opposition was overwhelming the Reds.

Their cries of revolution still ring the blood stained atmosphere in the guise of echoes as they searched for the illusion that is freedom.

As the fight in them waned, with their last bits of effort they fought back against the Blues seemingly indestructible arsenal of weapons with stealth.

In a flash of blood red and exploding orange, the Blues and Reds destroyed each other completely, thus ending what started out as great potential for an advanced form of civilization.

For now, it will be etched in our memories, as a night of insurmountable emotions that will be recorded in history.
(Credit: Xeon for the last screenshot.)
this needs a nomination for some award or something
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