Monday, March 17, 2008

About The Deathly Hallows

For you guys who are wondering about the poll. It's a direct reference to the last book in the Harry Potter series. The book describes The Deathly Hallows as three exceptionally magical items in the Harry Potter universe.

Referencing Wikipedia: The three items are, The Elder Wand (a.k.a The Deathstick), an extremely powerful magic wand made of elder wood with a core of Thestral tail hair. Supposedly, it is the most powerful wand in existence, and when used by its true master, he or she cannot be defeated in a duel. It also appears, as the wand is somewhat sentient, as are all wands, that it will not allow itself to cause real harm to its true Master. The second item is The Resurrection Stone. It allows the holder to see and communicate with the dead. According to the fairy tale concerning the origin of the Deathly Hallows, using the Resurrection Stone drove its original owner to commit suicide after seeing his deceased fiancée but being unable to truly be with her. The final item is The Cloak of Invisibility. This has the power to shield the wearer from being seen by Death. In the Potter universe, it is a true invisibility cloak, in the sense of being able to completely shield the wearer from sight, and cannot be worn out by time or spells.

Applying these items for some novelty into our game, three items are drawn from this reference.

Unlimited Cloaking - This is potentially the most dangerous and cheeky asset to have. The limitations are similar to regular cloaking though; when shot at you show up, you can die in cloaking to random crits and you won't be able to attack. This "Hallow" is directly referencing Harry's Cloak of Invisibility.

100% Crit Rockets - A reference to The Elder Wand, crit rockets are probably the most feared assault on a battlefield. As Xeon has boasted so many times before, "Give me crits and I'll clear a CP no problem." Similarly, its limitations reflect the loyalties of The Elder Wand in a sense that the overconfidence you place in your 4 rockets could find you exposing yourself to too many enemies, resulting in you dying, or you potentially self-damaging yourself to death.

Revive Fallen Comrades - Like the Resurrection Stone, reviving fallen teammates is perhaps another extremely good "Hallow" to have. However, perhaps before you choose this asset, think about the situations in which reviving a fallen friend might be useful. Like The Resurrection Stone from the Potter universe, perhaps bringing back a fallen friend might expose yourself to danger, ultimately resulting in the untimely deaths in both parties. Think Saving Private Ryan, and how the sniper used a fallen teammate (lol at Vin Diesel) to attempt to lure the others into the open. In many occasions, fallen team members perhaps should all spawn together and chiong as a unit (remember gravel pit anyone lol?), revival of a single fallen member while the others are already spawning back in the spawn room might perhaps break the "flow" of things.

These are my impressions and considerations on the poll we put up and are completely open to debate. If you guys think that any item you voted on has far greater pros than cons tagged to it, do post up in the Shoutbox or commentary!

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