As of 1932hrs, +8 GMT, Sunday the 2nd of March, our overseas detachment in the US, Feanor-|XsT| has attained 45th worldwide HLstatx ranking. A big shoutout to him for that. Personally, I don't like the idea of kill-per-death ranking systems, because it's often an unfair gauge of how a player performs. But this ranking just goes to show, how much Feanor is dedicating to his game. I had the chance to conduct a short interview and thought I'd write a small creature feature on Feanor. Read on.
How's it feel to be playing in a different country, do you find you have to adapt to their play-style?
Yes,there are lots of good players here. Haven't seen anyone get run down by a train in well for quite some time, lol. Lots of competitive leagues here, CEVO, CaL.
How does their style of play differ from the local (Singapore) ones?
I guess it's faster paced. More "in-your-face" type of playing,more direct combat. Then again each player has their own style, but that's the general idea of American play.
In general, what kind of classes do you usually face in those servers? Any different from our local ones? Like more soldiers, less engineers etc?
Lots of 32 player servers here, it depends on the map, lots of demoman though, almost everyone plays demo, usually 5-6 per team... 2-4 soldiers... 2 medics. But for dustbowl, offense will have 6 medics,defense will have 4-7 engineers. Dustbowl play here is quite different, you're constantly facing an uber. They're very good at chain ubering. So u have to line up ur sentries well. It's more on how fast the medics can charge their ubers and how fast the engineers can rebuild their sentries. But then again there're some "special" players who kill everything in their path. There's a soldier who keeps killing ppl with mid-air rocket, his name is Eriotic. Then there's Ghost, a pro demoman. There's Funky,a heavy who hits almost every single of his heavy bullets, even from far distance. Just some unique players. They're all in the top 50 I believe, I mean there are so many American players that the pro ones are really good. But there're many average players as well. Well,I often play in the pestgaming.com, Fatgamer, FearedGamer servers. I know many of the ppl in the top 50, play with them everyday. Some are my rivals,some are more friendly. I guess that's the gist of TF2 here.
No shit. You could write a wiki. But nevermind. Moving on, when will you be back?
I'll graduate (with a degree) by the end of this year. Go back and do NS at the beginning of next year.
Awesome dude. You looking forward to coming back to frag with us?
Yes, those people who killed me in that e-sumthing server, they will pay.
Yes they will Feanor. Yes they will. Anything else to add before this goes live?
When will our ISPs allow us to play across the world with no lag? That would be awesome. The world will be playing with each other. I mean 300 ping from right across the globe isn't that bad, a few years ago the ping would be around 800-1200. Anyway, good night. Chat with u some other time, I'm gonna climb up the global rankings.
Spoken like a champ, catchya later dude. Keep the XsT standards flying high.
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