We still haven't decided what to do with our web server. 2 months ago, we tried hosting the map pack for everyone to download - but that failed because we got hacked and lost our bandwidth that month. So I thought, hell, since we haven't found a use yet, I'll just convert it to a wall of fame first for all the awards.
Yes, this means we weren't joking when we gave out the awards sometime back. Yes, this also means we'll be giving out more soon. Yes, the wall graphic used in the image is actually, my own wall. No, I didn't etch the laurels into my wall. No, this isn't what we're permanently going to be using the domain for.
If anyone has a bright idea (no, not pr0n) for what we can do for the domain (no, we're not hosting videos and music). Do message Spiddy, Trum, Xeon or myself and we'll go from there. For now, enjoy the XsT Wall of Fame!
Edit: If your com and screen resolution is like Truman's and you love big pixels, this will NOT show up correctly. I haven't had time to do any fancy scripting for dynamic resizing. Bear with me.
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People should read this.
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