Pure dedication or pure insanity, you decide. Our raging resident rocketeering soldier Xeon has recently acquired 400 hours of pure explosive action on his class. I caught up with the lad at his 399th hour to chat with him about his zealous commitment to his class and the experience he's had since the dawn of TF2 in the local scene.
When did you first start playing? And how has the game changed since then?
When orange box was first released for download on steam, I got the game and created a server for myself to get use to the weapons and maps. The game has changed a lot, like how I lost my stock of 36 rockets (which really isn't a big issue now). In technical terms, the game still crashes in new ways on my com. One time I was having a killing streak and my TF2 client crashed and after I went back in my graphics was a mess.
Ewww graphics issues. Have you seen any changes in your own style over this time though?
I guess you could say I've changed my style close to 5 times since I started counting my hours. Lately I combined all these styles together and went back to the old monkey days with 36 rockets – but with 16 now *sadface*.
You often state that cake is superior to pie. Why and which do you honestly prefer?
I don't really know which pie you guys often refer to but I like cake simply because I like Portal, so I like cakes. But the cake is a lie.
Well, I like both. You have been called hacker, cheater and exploiter among other names, how do you respond?
I don't mind being called a hacker or a cheater. It might be someone's way of saying, "Oh damn he's good or he can do things I can't" But of course in some games I've played, I got banned from the servers after simply being accused of hacking. As for exploits, I admit, I used to exploit at the gates at Dustbowl. Yeah I know, my bad, but it certainly was fun, I don't really do it anymore though - maybe I'll do it to kill those who are doing it lol.
Keep the aggro in check dude. So medics often tag along with you, who's your favorite medic and why?
Well my favorite medic would be Selr, she did medic me for quite awhile and always tries to stick with me. Although now I don't know why she prefers to heal other people and neglect me in the crowd nowadays. I'm cool with it though.
Okay, you're getting less heals from me bitch. Anyway, what hopes and aspirations do you have in the near future in-game?
If I do have the time after my army, I will consider joining tournaments. Will have to see what games are available in WCG then though. I want to go against others to try and achieve something.
I'm sure we'll all support you on that, keep the XsT standards high and that attitude in check.
Because we feel like it, it's awards time again! For Xeon's hours and contributions, we're awarding him SOLOIST. Not to be forgotten is Rat. Although not as aggressive as Xeon, Rat's contributions to XsT have been exceptional in the areas of defence. He's saved our cap more times than we can count. Rat, we're happy to present you with an M.I.R.V for Stronghold Defences.

We're also proudly presenting 4 new awards to our 4 combat units. The AIRBORNE award recognises distinction in Rocket-Jumping and Pipe-Jumping. We're proud to present Xeon, Rat, Feanor and Duece, our soldiers and demoman, the badges of Jump Confidence. We're are confident that you'll continue with the same precision and success of jumps to vital points and installations in the future ahead.

Lastly, we're rolling out the third series of XsT avatar icons. Codenamed "Warcry" these were originally inspired by Xeon's suggestion of a black alphabet on a red backing. We're also taking suggestions for the next set of avatars. If you've got a suggestion on what you'd like to see as our next set of avatars, let the admins know!

If you haven't received your new avatar, send a private message to Truman or myself to get yours. Seeya in the servers.
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