Scout down!

Demo down!

We also held a 6v6 old-school Avantistranaganza last night. Thanks to everyone who showed up for the 5th Custom Map server party! Shoutout to Kenny, Indi and Trum for staying up with us till 3.26am this morning. Highly recommend this custim map to old-schoolers. It's a very VERY good replication of the classic. Rat and Trum would remember the classic sentry spots that pissed the hell out of the attackers. Keep the spam up!

There were some initial disputes to whether it would be more cost effective to sell Bananas or Durians. The brawl at the 'Naners stand was getting ugly and paramedics had to called to the scene.

Fortunately, after some not-so-violent discussion, both parties agreed on selling their wares as deep-fried condiments. Initially christianing them, "Goreng Pisang".

Here's us in a group photo. We love taking group photos, we take them in real-life all the time and now we're taking it in-game. Then again, we used to take in-game shots together all the time back in the TFC days. Relive the moments!

And here's another pic of the group. Insanity demands his hadouken be featured. And that's Xeon in mid-flight.

And here's Kenny and Insanity in a tree.
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