Well hello there! Welcome to the mega large instalment of The
XsT WHERE WE DO WHAT WE DO! A huge huge thanks to all members who contributed their
deskshots for this project, keep them coming! I've decided to do a mega post along with a mini contest at the end where you can win yourself fabulous prizes*! In addition to that, Massacre has been kind enough to drop off his "Home and Away" gaming/work stations in a little montage - check it out.
*Terms and conditions apply lol.
Above is the elusive
gamestation that I was asking for an ID couple of weeks back. Turns out it was
HBBs (identified by the distinct Orange Box
mousepad.) Like his
HBB's station is no nonsense gaming goodness. Just the rig and the tools he needs to plough through the servers.

In stark contrast to
HBB's station is Craig's fluffy
Carebear err... thing. I can't tell which is worse, playing on a tiny laptop keyboard or having a
Carebear's butt occupy two-thirds of my mouse area. Craig, in all aspects of terminology, you have outdone your brother in
yness. Although your hi-
fi set above your desk may redeem a small amount of your pride, I question what kind of music is emitted through those speakers.

Man. I wanted to name this instalment of
WWDWWD "The Stuffed (Up) Toy Edition". Here's
KENNEH! Not so much the
Carebear but it's Sonic! And because
Sonic's oldskool cool, you get extra points in my books. Also visible are the other
handhelds Kenny owns (
NDS etc.) Good stuff man - although your Love
Hina wallpaper is questionable, I'm sure
Xeon appreciates it.

Much awaited is Rat's very very cultured comic hub. The desk could easily be mistaken as an actual study desk (
hahaha yeah right.) Gaming keyboard and gaming mouse are standard outfits along with
satellite speakers on his desk. Gorgeous black CPU case he's got there too. Only thing I must add is his power sockets look a little dangerous. Just a little.

Last but not least it's Mass! All the way from Perth, he send his rigs. I must say, his "away" desk area is looking fine with the
MacBook Pro running
TF2. His local Singapore system isn't too shabby either,
reminiscent to an untamed beast of sorts. Click the preview above for a larger image.
Shoutout to Mass! Much love.

And here's the MYSTERY STATION
OMGWTF! Who could it possibly be? Send me (
Psyrabbit) your answers by 30 July 2008 and you might win a custom designer
XsT Tee! Look for me over Steam for
futher enquiries. If there are 2 or more people with the same correct answer, they will be put into a round of Celebrity
Deathmatch duel_duel2 - demos recorded!