Saturday, December 19, 2009

Final XsT LAN Party of the Year!

Book your calenders!!!

The Final XsT LAN Party of the year is upon us! Everyone is welcomed to join! We will be playing TF2 as well as classic games like TFC & Quake and new games like CODMW2.

Date: 19th December, Saturday
Gaming: 1100hrs - 1400hrs
Lunch: 1400hrs - 1500hrs

Location: e2max Cathay
Also, need suggestions for lunch location, preferably somewhere that can be booked.

Pls RSVP to Mut, DomeJnr or myself (Sick) by this week so we can do the booking!

Attendance List:
  1. Mut
  2. DomeJnr
  3. Sick
  4. Dee
  5. Snide
  6. Sloth
  7. Aelesia


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