Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Poll: Who is sexier?

In the recent poll of "Who is sexier?", our nominees all received good support from their fans. Sick came in third with a total of 17% of voters. Sick, who has recently been clocking hours playing spy, has probably attracted some voters with his rear assaults. Q made away with 31% of votes, showing that his pocket rocket still sets some sirens going off. But the big winner is Massacre with 52% of votes. The flaming too-hot-to-handle pyro lover was axe-actly what voters wanted. It appears that Massacre's strong and silent personality in game has garnered him much attraction. His conversations in-game usually consists of muffled cheers and screams, leaving much to the imagination. Go Mass!

1 comment:

raj. said...

Well what can i say really..

Except Mmpphmmmhppm!!