Sick’s Breakup Message
As of this week, Team XsT will be disbanded. This difficult decision was made by a couple of us oldies and I apologise for the sudden notice.
This decision has been extremely hard to make, considering the clan’s long and elaborate history. Over the past 9 years, many friends were made, many bonds were formed and many good times shared. I will miss all of these. XsT has been like family.
But I guess all good things must come to an end. In recent times, the clan has lost its zeal…its energy…its focus and ultimately its spirit. While TF2 rallied us back together, we lacked the spark that made XsT what it was during TFC days. Perhaps this can be attributed to the clan members (myself included) growing older and having other commitments. Gone were the days when school and gaming were all we had. Now we have serious tertiary studies, jobs, national service and spouses to share our time with. This has resulted in us having very erratic and sporadic playing times, making clan trainings very difficult.
Our recent foray into competitive scrims have also proved difficult and frustrating, probably also due to the above few reasons. Many disagreements have cropped up among older members of the clan, disagreeing on issues like scrim timings, tactics, team members and clans to compete against. I am sorry if I have been harsh and hope that we may remain friends. I guess it just goes to show how much the clan means to each of us.
I would like to thank every member who has put on an XsT tag, past and present. We have truly made each others gaming lives more fun, satisfying and complete. My last wish is that current members do not continue to use the XsT tag. It is now time to move on.
Regards, Sick aka brendan
Insanity’s Side of The Story
XsT has been a great clan and over the years has natured my gaming. However, in recent time, things have changed (to me at least). It is no longer the zealous, fanatical XsT I used to know back in classic. We’ve lost the aura of being invulnerable and untouchable. Many measures were taken to preserve this 9 year old bond, but ultimately, the committee has decided. Let us now part our ways and let the other clans use our various skills to the fullest. It is very sad, but inevitable. Its been a memorable and enjoyable experience with you guys on vent, in-game and at gatherings. On that note, I’d like to wish everyone the best of luck in finding a new home. Keep in touch; we may continue to meet in servers.
Good luck and have fun! Cheers, Insanity aka Dennis
Psyrabbit's Message
It's a sad day for all of us. After hours of debate and discussion, we decided that it is time to cease this gaming fiasco and move on to other things. Insanity, Sick, Truman and I have decided that it is only best that we disband XsT. There is no need for reasons as there will be too many to list and most of them are extremely subjective. Everyone in XsT deserves a huge "Thank you," and "Well done." You've all performed amazingly in-game. I'd like to point out in particular that unlike many others who attempt to play games "seriously" and end up getting angry with their team, we always end up laughing at each other and mocking our socks off later. Every game we play is taken in utmost seriousness and aggression, we're always going out for the kills. This is something admirable. Even in our dying moments in-game, we'll still be fighting to take down those who mean us harm. XsT, I salute you and wish you all the best for your future endeavours in a world without Team Fortress. It pains me to say this, goodbye XsT.
Gad "Psyrabbit" Tan