Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tickle you.. Tease me please..

Yo people, if you've been wondering... "TF2? WTF where?" I got news from a gamer friend of mine.. I got my teaser from fileshack.com

For those that have steam and still play the games on it.. Its downloadable there. Don't be fooled! It says TF2 Trailer! But its the similar teaser file. Yup! Anyway, Enjoy the toony graphics, I've never been teased as badly by any video game vid than this.

... And yes.. XsT is still alive and kiCkin'!

Dennis aka Insanity

Monday, July 24, 2006

TF2 is Alive!


The moment we all have been waiting for...TF2 is alive and in development.

I propose we have an XsT outing prior to the TF2 launch (no date set yet..sadly) to talk about the good old days of TFC. No matter how busy one is...I am sure we can spare one night to catch up with old clan mates!

Speaking of old...I do indeed feel old. I have been waiting for TF2 for approx 7 years and from the looks of it, I am excited. I am very glad valve went for the "incredibles" look instead of the Ultra Realism path that so many games now follow.

So can someone propose a date and agenda for the 5th Xst Outing?

Brendan aka Sick.